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What is a lead magnet?

by | Sep 17, 2019 | Marketing, Social Media

If you’re looking to build your audience online then you’ll need to use a lead magnet.  This is where you offer something of value for free in return for people’s contact details, usually name and email address.  It’s called a lead magnet because it attracts people to you.  

It’s much easier to sell to a warm audience than a cold audience, one that doesn’t know you at all.  That’s why you need to build up the know, like and trust factor so that people get to know you as a person, trust that you understand their problems and can offer a solution, and actually like you.  No one does any business with people they don’t like, whether or not they’ve only ‘met’ them online.

You’ll hear a lot about building your list.  This refers to building a list of subscribers, usually within your email marketing platform. 

Using your list, you then continue to nurture these subscribers by sending out regular content that is of value to them. 

People rarely buy direct from a social media post.  If they do, it’s probably for a product rather than a service.  Email is often where the sales are made. Therefore, it’s vital, if you are offering a service, that you provide regular content to show you as an the expert.  

What your lead magnet must do

Whilst the ultimate aim for  your lead magnet is to acquire subscribers to your list, you can’t just give them any old content.  It’s important your lead magnet:

  • Gives one quick win, a quick solution to one problem.
  • Easily digestible. People want a solution now, not after following long and complicated instructions.
  • Is specific.  Again, this is about offering a solution to one single problem, a distinct issue rather than anything too broad.
  • Demonstrates your knowledge and place as an expert.

What works as a lead magnet?

Consider what can you offer as a free resource without giving away too much of your overall service. 

What are the basics about what you do that people need to know?  

What do people often ask you about?  You could turn these questions into a one-page pdf, an e-book or a video series.  Or you could create a FAQ newsletter and send this out weekly, inviting those who sign up to send in their questions.

What could work well as a lead-in to your wider offering?  You could offer a webinar teaching a small part of your course.  Authors, how about a free chapter from your new book to whet their appetite?

What would be a great hook to get people interested in your product or service? Discount codes work well here for products. You could give people a unique code in return for their email, which could be a discount or free delivery. 

Perhaps offer VIP status whereby people get news first on your new launches, other discounts and event news.

What could help people with their day to day productivity?  How about a monthly planner or checklists.

26 Lead Magnet Ideas

Sales page templates
Instagram story templates
Pinterest pin templates
How-to video
Free discovery call
Industry report
Workthrough video
Video series
Free chapter of new book
Discount codes
Free delivery
Free recipe series (video or pdf)
5 day challenge
Free trial (saas)
Online profile test
Sneak peek of membership site


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Sarah Stiffin | Email Marketing Strategist