Beat the Summer Slump: 5 Creative Email Ideas for Your Business

Beat the Summer Slump: 5 Creative Email Ideas for Your Business

Summer’s here, and while it might seem like everyone is off on holiday, spending time with their kids, or just off their phones and soaking up the sun, it’s actually a fantastic time to connect with your customers.  You might be wondering what to send out to...
Why sending more emails is a good idea

Why sending more emails is a good idea

I’ve seen the look on people’s faces when I suggest sending more emails.  Horror, alarm, shock!  In this article, I’m  diving into a topic that often sparks a bit of debate: sending more marketing emails. Yep, you heard it right. While some people might cringe at the...
How long should an email be?

How long should an email be?

Have you ever opened a marketing email, only to find an endless scroll awaiting you?  Or, on the flip side, received something so brief it left you wondering what was the point of it? In this digital age, when attention is everything, email length is more crucial than...
Mastering the New Gmail and Yahoo Sender Requirements

Mastering the New Gmail and Yahoo Sender Requirements

If you use email marketing you’ll want to sit up and take notice of the latest changes from Gmail and Yahoo starting February 2024. These giants have rolled out new sender requirements that could seriously affect your email campaigns.  Whilst these changes...