What to say in your emails to customers

by | Apr 8, 2020 | Email marketing


We’re in the middle of a global pandemic, businesses are closing, pivoting, some even thriving.   Whatever the state of your business right now, you may be wondering how to communicate with your customers when they have other things on their mind.

You may be worried that your customers are more focused on their health and that of their loved ones, or concerned about their financial situations.  

Of course they will be but rest assured they will still be ok with you emailing them, particularly if you offer a product or service that they want and, indeed, need.

What they don’t need to hear is an update about coronavirus or what the government is saying. We see that everyday all day on the TV and in the news.  However, if you’re an accountant or HR professional then your advice will be very useful, helping businesses and employees make sense of what they need to do.

Here’s what you can talk to your customers about.

1. The state of play with your business

Let your customers know if you’ve paused, closed or even changed direction.  If your business is still operating but you’ve moved online then advise them how they can now contact you. Have your opening hours reduced?

Perhaps you can’t offer your usual service so let them know, but keep them up to date with what you are doing in the meantime such as online consultations. 

If you sell products but your suppliers are being affected by this situation and unable to deliver then do advise customers that stock may be reduced.

2. How can you help?

Remind your customers how you can help them, particularly if your products or services can help them in these challenging times.  They may have forgotten or not realised you offer certain services that are valuable right now.

If you can’t carry out your usual service, can you help people in a different way? 

I’ve heard of a country pub that has turned into a village shop, using the products they’d normally get from suppliers. They are now offering things like eggs, meat, milk and veg to the locals.  I’ve also heard of a taxi firm who are helping to deliver bags of groceries to health workers. 

Perhaps you’re a photographer unable to take your usual photos but could you offer some tutorials online whilst your clients have more time on their hands?  Let your customers and clients know how you are able to help them or their community.

3. Business as usual?

Where you can continue pretty much as usual and your products and services are still in demand then go ahead with your regular email marketing. 

However, don’t completely ignore what’s going on in the world right now. Many people are very sensitive, so do make reference as appropriate.

Secondly, so as you don’t add to people’s online overwhelm (anyone else Zoomed out?), make sure you are only emailing subscribers who really need or use what you are talking about in your email.  This is where good use of segmentation and tagging comes in.  



Need some help with your email marketing strategy?  Whether you’re stuck on content ideas or frustrated with the techy back-end, wing me an email and let’s have a chat to see how I could support you.

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